Entries from 2008-01-01 to 1 year

Lucky Draw

琴日係公司周年聚餐裡, 抽獎中了一部Philips Photoframe. 好驚訝! 因我素來沒有什麼抽獎命, 加上最近想買一個電子相架放在公司用. 禮物來得剛剛好... 忽然想去影相....

Sick Again

Donno why i keep having serious headache. Need to take sick leave. Will go to the doctor for the body check report....

Need to study hard

Need to study hard and prepare for the exam. This is my last chance to take the exam before the end of 2008... Wish me good luck then...

Canon 5D MarkII

mm has just bought a new toy on Saturday. Really need to say thanks to TL in sharing his pre-order quota to us....So our Canon collection has updated:- LENS:- EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM EF 17-40mm f/4L USM EF 100mm f/2.…

Mobile Ringtone

Just finished the mp3 editing and uploaded the new ringtone for my BlackBerry Pearl 8220, it is "Oogoe Diamond 大声 ダイヤモンド" from AKB48.. Yeah!!!!May be I should edit the new song "Relax!" from ノースリーブス this coming weekend... :P

紅白歌合戦 - 出場歌手

What's a disappointing combination on the lineup singers. How come they have "SPEED" but not AKB48? I even don't have any interest to look into the 紅白歌合戦 on Dec 31 from BS2 Source: http://www9.nhk.or.jp/kouhaku/artists/index.html


My first blog@hatena.ne.jp...

S20.02長週末 - Day 3

2008-02-25 (月) Day 3 - 由布院 09:15 博多駅 - ゆふいんの森1号 11:26 由布院駅 - 由布院 12:00 湯布院やわらぎの郷 やどや - 家族風呂 13:15 午餐 - 豆腐料理 14:15 金鱗湖 15:49 由布院駅 - ゆふいんの森4号 17:58 博多駅 19:00 天神 shopping - 大障テ屋…

S20.02長週末 - Day 2

2008-02-24 (日) Day 2 - 長崎 09:00 福岡 - 長崎 12:00 午餐 - 燒肉 13:00 平和公園 14:00 眼鏡橋 15:00 中華街 20:30 長崎 - 福岡

S20.02長週末 - Day 1

2008-02-23 (土) Day 1 - 福岡 08:50 - 13:05 HKG - FUK 福岡 - KA316 福岡國際空港到達 13:05 - 13:20 落機,過入境櫃位,過海關, 全15分鐘內完成. 13:20 - 14:00 坐SHUTTLE到內陸機場, 入地下鐵, 福岡空港駅 -> 博多駅 東鋤メイン 14:00 - 14:45 午餐 - 益正…